- sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen #tweetyour16yearoldself (h/t @grannybike) #
- When you write that letter to your future husband in YW, know that every line of it will come to pass… #tweetyour16yearoldself #
- Do not let your brothers take the Mustang #tweetyour16yearoldself (sigh) #
- Just found a leftie climb shoe through @EVOLVclimbing & it even has xtra space for my long 2nd toe. Awesome! #lifeofanamputee #
- Got some #THATCamp posters on my office door: http://brizzly.com/pic/3T2M #THATCampLA #
- The morning light via my office window (related note: it'll be 90 degrees here today) http://brizzly.com/pic/3T0Q #
- Loving the taiko concert outside my window tonite! #drumsdrumsdrums #
- Tobykitty can now store 3 pills in the back of her throat for up to 5mins & then spit them out behind the couch. #catskillz #herewegoagain #
- If a reality show offered to "re-do" your wedding, would you go for it? #ithinkitsoundsfunbuthaveneverwatchedrealityTV #
- My Tobykitty just keeps breaking my heart. So sweet, hanging in there despite not eating now. Just wanting love from her family… #
- RT @MHpodcast Listen to a podcast interview with Amanda French about #THATCamp http://bit.ly/ay6biT #thatcampsocal #
- RT @alyankovic: Don’t forget to vote today. Unless you’re a complete idiot. In which case, really, feel free not to. #
- "I remember" http://bit.ly/d4aCX5 via @ebertchicago #
- So excited about the Daniel Richter seminar tomorrow–his history writing has had the greatest influence on my own:http://bit.ly/aVT1Ix #
- GameBoy is a monk from the Argent Dawn http://brizzly.com/pic/3SAF #
- Catgirl is a mad scientist! http://brizzly.com/pic/3S9H #
- Do you think Ikea sells cabinets for spare-leg storage? #lifeofanamputee #
- Didn't watch all of the #rally4sanity but what I did see was reminiscent of "Exit Through the Gift Shop" #meh #
- All cyborgs/robots aren't scary #rallytorestoresanity 🙂 #
- Danielle reads Billy Collins http://brizzly.com/pic/3RU3 #
- Isaac reading the gnome poem http://brizzly.com/pic/3RU1 #
- David reads his gnome poem http://brizzly.com/pic/3RTZ #
- John gets an ovation! #rigoramortis #
- Moses reading from The Book of John: http://brizzly.com/pic/3RTY #rigoramortis #
- Basking in the afterglow of having read The Apetizer from @johnremy's story http://brizzly.com/pic/3RTX #
- Tim's reading from #rigoramortis http://brizzly.com/pic/3RTW #
- Carolyn is sending people to walk the plank http://brizzly.com/pic/3RTG #
- Ann is a deviled egg! http://brizzly.com/pic/3RTE #
- And @benjaminlind is packing some heat! http://brizzly.com/pic/3RTC #
- Sharine is tofu (not Lady Gaga, but Lady Peta) http://brizzly.com/pic/3RTA #
- It's Elwood! http://brizzly.com/pic/3RT4 #
- Vampire! http://brizzly.com/pic/3RT2 #
- Lumberjacks! http://brizzly.com/pic/3RT1 #
- We're going to do a dramatic reading of @johnremy's zombie story! Woot! #
- Ginger is at my party! http://brizzly.com/pic/3RSV #
- Ginger is at my party! #
- Maybe it's a good thing that I left my regular Mac laptop at home today #computeroverload http://brizzly.com/pic/3RQ5 #
- Just talked to car sales person. he kept asking me what color I want. Am I weird that color is one of the least impt purchase factors?? #
- Gonna need to replace my car ASAP. Looking for car-choosing & buying resources–haven't done this in over a decade! (help!) #
- Today I'm talking "pretty" at the Exponent Blog: "Pretty" – http://bit.ly/9yX4Ib #
Missed you at camp.