7 things I’ve learned from logging out of FB

A few weeks ago, in a contemplative moment, I realized that I missed reading novels.  So I thought a bit about why I just didn’t seem to have time for novels anymore, and made a decision.  I would experiment with only logging on to FB whenever I had finished reading a novel–as a reward for finishing something important.

It’s harder than it sounds to do this, mostly because so many of my web apps now integrate with using a FB login.  And if I’m logged out of FB then I’m logged out of them, too.

So here you go, Seven Things I’ve Learned From Logging Out of Facebook:

1) I need to reconstruct my logins for various web services (everything from goodreads to blogging) in order to access them while being logged out of FB.

2) More than before, I’ve been noticing those ubiquitous FB “Like” buttons everywhere.  That my medical provider has one on their site is creepier than zombies.

3) I like novels (better than I like FB).

4) Logging out of FB during election season couldn’t have been better timing.

5) I’m carrying on conversations outside of a for-profit proprietary software platform.  Even in real life sometimes.

6)I can still post on FB through my twitter and instagram feeds.  So I don’t think anyone has even noticed my absence.

7) When I’ve finished a novel I’ve found that haven’t had much interest in logging into FB anyways.  Instead, I’m grabbing the next book from my nightstand.

3 thoughts on “7 things I’ve learned from logging out of FB

  1. marta

    i didn’t because it never showed up on my news feed. perhaps you have blocked me…

    i have recently started reading books again also.

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